New Yorks’s oldest Taxi driver dies

The New York Observer has reported on the death of the city’s oldest yellow cab drivers. Johnnie “Spider” Footman passed away, aged 94 after a brief illness.

Mr Footman began driving in 1937; he had famous passengers such as John Wayne and Rock Hudson. Although Mr Footman was still driving at 92, having successfully passed a medical test, he had recently stopped taking passengers.

He had been in several films about taxi drivers, with the latest “Drivers Wanted” featuring 55 Stan, the taxi company where he was working. He was considered as one of New York New York’s most interesting and beloved taxi drivers. According to the New York Times’ obit, he wore a spider pendant around his neck and a hat that said “Old Dude made of Achey Breaky Parts!” so hence his nickname.

He would warn passengers that he was a slow driver due to his age, though he had an impeccable driving record and had never had an accident while working at 55 Stan, the taxi company where he was working. David Yassky, the commissioner of the New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission, said: “He’ll be missed. He was one of those drivers who knew the streets, knew his cab and knew his passengers, and he balanced all three perfectly.”

New Yorks oldest Taxi driver
