Is this the end of the road for Derby’s yellow Taxi’s?


For the last 20 years Derby’s Hackney Carriages have been painted yellow. One of the deciding factors when Derby Council first went ahead with only Licencing vehicles that were yellow, was to help people with Disabilities and visual impairment identify Taxis.

Derby is classed amongst one of the most accessible cities in the world for those with disabilities and many disability charities have branded the councils decision a ‘’backwards step.’’

Yellow Taxis will have until 2025 to change their colour to black with a yellow stripe and all newly licensed vehicles will have to be presented to the council in the new colour scheme.

5 Things You Need to Know About Fast Food Delivery Insurance

If you’re a delivery driver and in need of fast food delivery insurance, few insurance companies can offer you a better deal than Quotax.

We offer easy to afford cover for your vehicle where you require Comprehensive, Third Party Fire and Theft or Third Party Only.

Following a large number of calls into our office from drivers struggling to find any Insurer that would cover their car annually for both fast food delivery and everyday car use, we have managed to secure an exclusive scheme.

To discover more about what Quotax can offer you with our insurance, we have put together five things that you need to know about our delivery driver insurance!

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Case Study: Sueted

At the time of writing this article, we are in the midst of a global pandemic. COVID-19 has changed everything – from how we socialise, to how we shop – and businesses have had to adjust accordingly. But will these changes be permanent? 

We spoke to the founder of fashion company Sueted, Dolapo Adeyemi, to find out her perspective as a forward-thinking business owner. 

Sueted takes the in-store shopping experience to customers’ doorsteps by providing mobile boutiques fitted with premium mobile fitting rooms at the point of delivery. The company launched before the Coronavirus pandemic hit the UK, back in September 2019; Dolapo talked us through the inspiration for the business, her predictions on how COVID-19 will affect people’s shopping habits, and why she chose Quotax to insure her unique vehicle.

Tell us about Sueted. What do you offer your clients and customers, and what makes you unique?

Sueted takes the in-store experience to customers’ doorsteps by providing mobile boutiques with premium fitting rooms at the point of delivery. Our instant return option eliminates our shoppers’ return journey and shrinks the retailer’s return window by up to 90%. Sueted is able to provide triple bottom line value (people, profit, planet) to retailers in 3 different ways:

We deliver to shoppers’ homes or offices. They try on items in their order on the spot in our mobile boutique and we help by taking back any returns to the retailer.

By running pop-ups with Sueted, brands can now enjoy true omnichannel retail by having access to very flexible high-footfall areas while saving on the set-up costs

Ads and Window Displays
Retailers can advertise their brand on any of the 4 sides of the van and stores can set up creative mobile window displays on the go.

Where did the idea come from and when did the company launch? 

We wanted to provide an opportunity for retailers to offer a special experience to their customers by allowing customers to order clothing items, try them on and choose the ones they want. We designed our elaborate vehicle to be a unique, premium offering.

After creating and testing the vehicle, we launched in September 2019 and popped up in locations such as Westfield Stratford and other centres with high street stores. We are proud to say that things really took off and the brands we have been working with have had a great experience working with this concept. 

Who is your target audience? What benefits can you offer them?

Our target audience is retailers. We offer them convenience, a time-saving solution and we save them money.

Instead of having a courier van make a second journey to a customer’s home to pick up returns, the delivery journey doubles as the return journey, immediately reducing the potential carbon footprint by half and significantly reducing the cost of returns.  

Also, disputes as to the reasons for the customers returns are eliminated since the quality and appearance of an item is verified at the point of delivery and a customer cannot claim to have received a damaged item if they  happen to damage it in the process of handling it post-delivery.

On the customer side, they don’t have to worry about going to the post office or waiting at home to make a return; they can immediately return any unwanted item once it has been tried on in the Sueted vehicle.

The bottom line is that retailers are saving money by not throwing away damaged items which, in turn, is beneficial to the planet. 

This process also reduces the number of delivery vans polluting the

environment. We don’t want customers returning items they have worn. It’s wasteful and we want

to change that.

Has the business changed or evolved since it first launched? Have you been able to operate during the lockdown?

A lot of things have happened since we launched, and we unfortunately had to close operations as shopping in a small enclosed space isn’t something we have been able to market.

That’s a great shame. It does sound like your business model is ideal for shoppers who are social distancing though?

Yes, it is suitable for shoppers who are social distancing. We are trying to establish the safest way to

reopen, as we are exploring options to be able to sterilise the van in between customers, so that people may be comfortable knowing that they are stepping into a virus-free space.

Do you think people’s shopping habits will change drastically as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic? What impact do you think this will have on the fashion industry?

Yes, I think people’s shopping behaviours will change a lot. Many changes are happening in the fashion industry right now. With modelling shows all cancelled, brands are seeking more clarity on, and new ideas for, how they can present their collections to customers. We do see this as a positive change as the fashion industry can be very wasteful, especially when it comes to showing collections on runways. 

The pandemic has forced people to act, instead of just talking about these issues. A lot of things are going to change in the fashion world.

Shopping is sociable. As social distancing comes to an end, with our business model customers will be able to come to our Sueted vehicle with a friend, still social distancing. With Sueted, even online shopping can also be sociable.

For retailers who are purely online, the only point of contact they have with their customers is at the point of delivery and it isn’t properly managed. We see this as a missed opportunity, and something to turn into a positive experience for customers.

What does the future hold for Sueted? Have you considered how this model could be used for other products aside from clothing? If so, is that something you would consider?

We have actually had a few events with a tea company. They had a show in a square outside and they showcased their products and had samples available, which raised awareness of their brand.

Here at Sueted we are about delivering experiences.

When looking to have your vehicle insured, what did you feel was important to consider?

Our vehicle is very unique and unusual, and some people therefore gave us ridiculously high quotes and terms which we just couldn’t accept. Eventually we narrowed it down to a small handful and chose Quotax.

We were really lucky to find Quotax. 

How did you discover Quotax?

I think I found them online. Discovering Quotax really was a very lucky find.

Why did you decide to work with Quotax for your insurance cover?

Two things were a major factor for us: cost and responsiveness.

Every time we phoned Quotax we had someone to talk to, and it just felt right. With some of their competitors I was being put through to an off-shore call centre and felt pushed around. With Quotax it was a much more human interaction, which is what Sueted is all about!

Would you recommend Quotax for vehicle insurance? Tell us why.

I remember my first call to Quotax. It was at around 4pm. I’d forgotten that I had needed to cancel my insurance and suddenly found myself in a situation where I was unable to put my drivers on the road, which meant it was impossible to work. 

Quotax saved the day with their speed and responsiveness and their customer service was excellent. 


Are you looking for an insurance quote? No matter how weird and wonderful your vehicle may be, we are here to help. Get in touch with our team today for a competitive quote.

Why Hiring a Minibus is Ideal for a Staycation

In more recent times, when people say they are going on holiday, they usually mean a staycation. In the last decade, more people have chosen to stay at home rather than delve further afield and travel abroad. And with the global pandemic, any planned holidays going abroad have most likely come to a halt, which is why a staycation within the UK has become so popular. We have great locations and brilliant places to visit here in the UK.

But the dilemma that comes along with holidaying within your own country is travel, you usually have to travel and make your own way there (and back) to the destination. But, one of the best things about going on a holiday from home is the fact that you don’t have to worry about travel once it is sorted, it’s in your hands – not an airline or a taxi. This is why booking a minibus is so convenient, it allows you to kick back and relax, rather than having to worry about your travel arrangements throughout your stay. Keep reading to find out why hiring a minibus really is the best choice when holidaying closer to home.

Why Minibus Hire?

Do I actually need one you ask? Well, consider ease of travel, not having to squish your luggage into a small car, much-needed legroom and space. What’s different between a minibus and people carriers is that people carriers start at six or seven seats and finish at nine, whereas a minibus can usually seat from above nine to about 17 seats. So if you’re going away with a big group (including pets) why not hire the larger option – think about all that space! (Please bear in mind, due to recent governmental changes, if you’re travelling with people from different households, then there should only be a maximum of 6 people from different households.)

Also, when hiring a minibus because it is usually for group travel, sometimes a member of the group will be comfortable being the designated driver. But you can of course have the luxury of hiring a driver as well as the bus. There is so much freedom in this as everybody can put their feet up and take it easy for a change rather than worrying about travel! Hiring a driver will make you think ‘why haven’t I done this sooner?’. You’ll find that your entire trip will become much more enjoyable and much less stressful.

Another bonus is the reliability, hiring a minibus will help you to plan and customise your trip to your heart’s content, rather than having to stick to public transport schedules and possibly missing journeys along the way. Instead of planning your day around set times, you have the freedom of staying at the beach that extra hour, or grabbing food along the way. Whether you hire a driver for your stay or drive the minibus yourself you can do as much or as little as you like through your whole staycation. This can suit your group (big or small), as sometimes people have different ideas of what they want to do each day of the holiday. Allowing room for lateness, customisation and having the ability to go wherever you want – why wouldn’t you want to hire a minibus for your holiday within the UK?

Whether you’re enjoying a family trip or a holiday with friends. Here at Quotax, we will put you in direct contact with minibus hire insurance. We will find the best insurance and requirements for the best price.

Top 5 Facts about Lorries

Are you a lorry driver, love lorries or are just plain interested in the facts about lorries? You have come to the right place. At Quotax we deal with all types of lorry insurance from horse boxes to HGVs, this means that over years we have come to know quite a few fun facts about lorries. And we’re here to share them with you. So keep reading to find out our top five facts about lorries, you’ll be surprised! If you have any facts you’d like to share – get in touch with us on our social media, we’d love to know what you have found over the years.

The word lorry was first used in English in 1838 referring to a luggage truck on a train.

Coming in at number one is this beauty. Did you know that? To explain a little more behind this

the word ‘truck’ actually comes from the Greek word for wheel: ‘Trochos’. It first appeared in the English language around 161
1 meaning small wheel or roller, specifically the sort mounted under cannons aboard warships.

The methane in the flatulence of one sheep could power a small lorry to go 25 miles a day.

There is very much a lot of truth behind this one as a sheep’s digestive process produces methane gas, which can be burned as fuel (according to research in New Zealand). And this is why recently, lorries have been powered on diesel fuel made of lamb fat.

More than 80 per cent of all goods we consume are carried by UK-registered lorries.

Can you believe that? 80%? This explains why road delivery contributes £22.9 billion a year to the economy.

There are an estimated 285,000 lorry drivers in the UK.

This seems like a huge amount but despite a national recruitment drive by the Road Haulage Association, there continues to be a growing crisis with around 50 drivers leaving the occupation daily.

The amount of beer carried by UK lorries in a year would be enough to fill Wembley stadium.

Think of all that beer! That’s a truckload (pun intended). Without lorry drivers, most of our food, drinks and clothes wouldn’t be correctly transported within the UK. So to our lorry drivers – we thank you!

Why not call us today for a free classic lorry or truck insurance quote on 0208 691 9691. We will find the best insurance and requirements for the best price. Find out more about our services here.

TFL Changes – A Disaster for the Taxi Trade

The future of London’s iconic black cabs could be under threat due to the COVID pandemic.

As thousands of workers and tourists stay away from the capital, and Transport for London (TFL) continue to close large numbers of roads, this has had a detrimental effect on the black cab trade.

Many are struggling to cope with these changes, putting the industry under major pressure.

In this blog, we will cover what some of these changes are and how you can help to challenge these updates to ensure that London black cab drivers have a secure future.

Car-free streets

Due to coronavirus restrictions, the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan and Transport for London (TFL) has closed a large number of roads in London, causing havoc for black cabs.

The aim of this is to encourage more people to walk and cycle safely during lockdown. Unfortunately, this has greatly impacted London taxi drivers, restricting their business heavily due to the inaccessibility they have to a large number of roads in and around central London.

David Kurten, a London Assembly Member had asked the mayor, “Do you

accept the more roads that are inaccessible to taxis, the fewer people will use taxis, therefore, the taxi trade will continue to reduce in size?”. Sadiq Khan refuted this claim.

With the large number of roads that have become closed for public transport and taxis, more and more people are encouraged to avoid using these methods of transportation.

Grant Davis, Chairman of the London Cab Drivers Club (LCDC) shares our concerns ‘’The LTN closures in London have been met with dismay from the licensed taxi trade and local residents alike and this has seen widespread protests at Town Halls and City Hall. For the Cab trade the road closures are another nail in our coffin. Whilst the PM tells everyone that it is vital to get back to work, for the cab trade these road closures (for the cab trade) is like turning up at the office to go to work but the front door has been locked. Unless common sense is resumed pretty quick, these closures will only aid our demise.’’

Pedestrian only areas

The increase of many pedestrian-only areas in London has also caused concern for disabled passengers who are unable to be dropped off right to the door. As black cabs provide a 100% wheelchair accessible service, some vulnerable passengers no longer have the hassle-free taxi service they once had available to them.

This is greatly affecting the livelihoods of thousands of people, so it is imperative that voices are heard and changes are made to not only keep the public safe, but to allow black cab drivers to carry out their services with as little interruption as possible.

What can you do to help?

Many London black cab drivers must do their bit to ensure that the industry can survive during this time, whilst still ensuring all passengers remain safe during the pandemic.

We ask that you write to your local MP to express how these updates have affected you. This will provide the vital evidence needed to encourage change.

Contact Your Local MP

If you head to the members of parliament website and find your local MP, you can email them using this template.

If you are still in operation and are looking to renew your black cab insurance, then contact us to receive a free competitive quote here:

Why Minibuses Are Essential For Care Homes

Minibuses associated with care homes across the UK provide greater flexibility for residents, including wheelchair accessibility for those who require additional mobility support when travelling places. Covid-19 has highlighted the use of minibuses within care homes due to the elderly needing to travel safely. Minibuses are used for the safe travel of residents and carers for leisure trips and essential journeys, including to hospitals for medical assessments.

Why Is It Essential?

As we get older, being able to get out and about into society is a vital way to stay part of the local community and to access local amenities. Although free local bus travel is a lifeline for the elderly who do not drive, for some this isn’t an option as those who live rurally and have no local bus service available to them still need to be able to travel to necessary places. Additionally, some have mobility issues which may prevent them from using public transport due to needing extra assistance while being on their own.

This is why minibuses are so important as many cater to those in care homes, including wheelchair-accessible minibus services and befriending schemes. This is where the befriender is a travelling companion for an elderly person, and can assist them around the community and on and off the minibus.

Minibuses are not only great for residents at care homes, but also the carers themselves. Some are designed to provide excellent accessibility for the disabled, enabling carers to carry out their daily tasks with ease, ensuring the resident is safe and comfortable at all times. Any trips away from the care home are hassle-free, allowing the resident to make both essential and non-essential journeys with ease.

Not being able to travel at all can greatly impact the mental wellbeing of people, causing further issues in the long run. This is why minibuses are set in place to help people who are in their later years commute to places, allowing them to enjoy life and be able to experience daily activities.

Transport services will usually take residents to these locations:

  • To attend GP or hospital appointments
  • To go to the shops (either with or without a companion or carer)
  • To visit a loved one
  • To attend lunch clubs or day centres to join in in activities
  • To get out and about e.g. a walk in the park

How We Can Help?

Here at Quotax, we understand that not all minibuses are the same, you may have a wheelchair lift or taken seats out to accommodate medical equipment. We have a number of specialist care home minibus Insurance schemes, please give our experts a call so they can provide cover to suit your needs.

Why not get in touch today to find out about our minibus insurance and our policies, call us for a quote on 0208 691 9691. We will find the best insurance and requirements for the best price. Find out more about our services here.

Comprehensive Catering Vehicle Insurance: Protecting Your Mobile Culinary Business



Are you in the business of delighting taste buds on wheels? Do you own a food truck, mobile catering van, ice cream truck, or catering delivery vehicle? If so, you understand the unique challenges that come with running a mobile culinary business. One essential aspect of ensuring your success and peace of mind is having the right insurance coverage in place. That’s where Quotax Insurance Services comes in. We specialise in providing tailored catering vehicle insurance solutions that protect your business and keep you on the move.


Expertise and Knowledge:

At Quotax Insurance Services, we take pride in our team’s extensive experience and deep understanding of the catering industry. We recognise the diverse risks and needs that catering businesses face on a daily basis. Our insurance experts possess specialised knowledge in catering vehicle insurance, food truck insurance, mobile catering van insurance, ice cream truck insurance, and catering delivery vehicle insurance. We understand the unique requirements and regulations specific to each type of culinary business, and we work closely with our clients to ensure their insurance needs are met.


Tailored Coverage Options:

We understand that every catering business is unique, and a one-size-fits-all insurance policy simply won’t cut it. That’s why we offer customisable coverage options to suit your specific needs. Whether you require commercial auto insurance for caterers, liability insurance for catering vehicles, or comprehensive coverage for your entire catering business, we have you covered. Our dedicated team will work closely with you to assess your risks, understand your operations, and provide personalised solutions that offer the protection you need.


Affordable and Competitive:

Running a catering business involves managing costs without compromising on quality. We understand the importance of affordability when it comes to insurance. At Quotax Insurance Services, we strive to provide catering vehicle insurance that is not only comprehensive but also cost-effective. We work with a wide network of insurance providers to offer you competitive insurance quotes for catering vehicles. Our team will help you navigate through the options, ensuring you get the best coverage at a price that fits your budget.


Superior Service:

At Quotax Insurance Services, we value our clients and prioritise exceptional customer service. We understand the importance of prompt and efficient assistance, especially during unexpected events or accidents. Our team is always ready to provide the support you need, whether it’s answering your insurance-related queries, assisting with claims, or updating your policy. We aim to build long-term relationships with our clients, providing ongoing support as your catering business evolves and grows.



As a mobile culinary business owner, protecting your investment, assets, and reputation is crucial. Quotax Insurance Services specialises in catering vehicle insurance and understands the unique risks and challenges you face. With our expertise, knowledge, and tailored coverage options, we ensure that your catering business is well-protected. From food truck insurance to liability coverage and comprehensive policies, we offer affordable solutions to suit your needs. Contact us today to get a personalised insurance quote and experience the peace of mind that comes with knowing your catering business is covered.

Please call our team today for your Catering Insurance requirements or visit our Catering Insurance page.

0208 691 9691

15 tips for Catering Vehicle Business Owners



Are you a catering vehicle owner in the UK looking to set up a profitable business? Building a successful catering venture requires careful planning, dedication, and attention to detail. In this article, we will provide you with 15 valuable tips to help you navigate the challenges and maximize the potential of your catering business. Whether you’re serving delicious food from a food truck, a mobile catering van, or any other type of catering vehicle, these tips will set you on the path to success.

Define Your Niche:

Identify your target market and the type of cuisine that sets your business apart. Whether it’s gourmet burgers, fusion cuisine, or vegan delights, having a unique selling point will help attract customers and build a loyal following.

Craft an Engaging Menu:

Create a mouth watering menu that showcases your culinary expertise and appeals to your target audience. Incorporate diverse options, dietary considerations, and seasonal specials to cater to a wide range of tastes and preferences.

Location is Key:

Choose your locations strategically to maximize footfall and exposure. Consider busy street corners, office complexes, industrial parks, and local events where potential customers are likely to be present.

Build a Strong Brand:

Invest in a professionally designed logo, catchy tagline, and visually appealing vehicle wrap. A strong brand identity helps you stand out in a crowded market and leaves a lasting impression on potential customers.

Embrace Social Media:

Create accounts on popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Regularly share appetizing photos, interact with followers, and promote your upcoming locations and special offers to expand your reach.

Attend Food Festivals and Events:

Participate in local food festivals, markets, and community events to introduce your culinary delights to a wider audience. These events offer excellent opportunities for networking, gaining exposure, and generating new business leads.

Prioritise Customer Service:

Deliver exceptional customer service at all times. Promptly respond to inquiries, take feedback constructively, and go the extra mile to ensure a positive experience for your customers. Word-of-mouth recommendations are invaluable for growing your business.

Monitor Costs and Profit Margins:

Keep a close eye on your costs, including ingredients, equipment, and overhead expenses. Regularly review your profit margins to ensure you’re pricing your offerings competitively while maintaining profitability.

Establish Relationships with Local Suppliers:

Forge strong relationships with local suppliers to ensure a steady supply of fresh ingredients. Sourcing locally not only supports the community but also adds an element of quality and uniqueness to your menu.

Invest in Professional Catering Insurance:

Protect your business from unforeseen risks with comprehensive catering insurance. Quotax offers reliable catering insurance coverage that safeguards your assets, equipment, and liabilities, giving you peace of mind.

Leverage Online Ordering Systems:

Offer online ordering and delivery services to cater to the growing demand for convenience. Partner with popular food delivery platforms or set up your own online ordering system to expand your customer base.

Build a Loyal Customer Base:

Implement a loyalty program to reward repeat customers. Offer incentives such as discounts, freebies, or exclusive promotions to encourage customer retention and foster a sense of belonging.

Continuously Innovate:

Regularly update your menu with new dishes, seasonal offerings, and innovative flavours to keep customers intrigued and coming back for more. Stay ahead of culinary trends and adapt to changing customer preferences.

Seek Feedback and Learn:

Encourage customers to provide feedback on their dining experience. This valuable input can help you identify areas for improvement and refine your offerings to exceed customer expectations.

Network and Collaborate:

Connect with other local businesses, such as event planners, wedding venues, or corporate offices, to explore potential collaboration opportunities. Networking opens doors to new business ventures and cross-promotion.


Setting up a profitable catering business requires a combination of culinary expertise, effective marketing strategies, and a customer-centric approach. By following these 15 tips, you’ll be well on your way to establishing a successful venture. Remember, Quotax is here to support your business with reliable catering insurance coverage tailored to your unique needs. Start your journey today and delight customers with your delicious culinary creations while ensuring the protection of your valuable assets.

Renault and Geely Choose UK for New Global Company Headquarters


Renault, the French motor giant, and Geely, the Chinese carmaker, are teaming up to establish a new global company with its headquarters in the UK. This exciting venture will see an investment of up to €7 billion ($7.7 billion; £6 billion) in the development of low-emission petrol, diesel, and hybrid engines. With approximately 19,000 employees across 17 engine factories and five research and development hubs, this partnership aims to consolidate operations, leverage synergies, and define future plans.

Despite the global motor industry’s growing focus on electric vehicles, Renault and Geely remain committed to advancing internal combustion engine (ICE) technologies. The new company, set to launch later this year, will supply engines to renowned car manufacturers such as Volvo, Nissan, and Mitsubishi. Renault’s CEO, Luca de Meo, expressed enthusiasm about this collaboration, stating, “We are proud to join forces with a great company like Geely… to disrupt the game and open the way for ultra low-emissions ICE technologies.” Eric Li, Chairman of Geely Holding Group, shared the vision of becoming a global leader in hybrid technologies, offering low-emission solutions to automakers worldwide.

Additionally, there are plans for Saudi energy giant Aramco, the world’s largest oil and gas company, to potentially join this partnership through a strategic investment. Aramco has been evaluating its approach to lower-carbon technologies due to its significant greenhouse gas emissions. This potential collaboration with Renault and Geely aligns with Aramco’s commitment to investing in sustainable solutions.

The Renault-Geely partnership emerges at a time when electric vehicles are gaining popularity worldwide, including in the UK. However, it is important to note that electric vehicles still tend to be more expensive than their petrol or diesel counterparts. Geely, headquartered in Hangzhou, China, has been actively investing in electric vehicle technology and made headlines a decade ago with its acquisition of the London Taxi Company, which was later renamed the London Electric Vehicle Company. Today, the company’s focus is on developing electric black cabs, with around 5,000 of these vehicles currently operating on the streets of London.

London taxi drivers will undoubtedly be interested in this news as it highlights the ongoing advancements in engine technologies and the commitment to low-emission solutions. The establishment of the new company’s headquarters in the UK further solidifies the country’s position as a hub for automotive innovation and development. As the global motor industry continues to evolve, partnerships like the one between Renault and Geely pave the way for exciting opportunities and advancements in the automotive sector.