Vandalism causes Playbus write off

A 30 year old Playbus has been deemed an insurance write off due to vandals.

The Vandals smashed windows, toys and ripped apart books. The bus was run by the Marlene Reid Centre in Coalville and was broken into in June.

After the break in the outreach centre contacted the Playbus Insurers who following inspection deemed in uneconomical to repair the vehicle. For 30 years the Playbus has served the communities in Coalville, the staff have been relocated.

The Operations manager at the centre said ‘’We are very disappointed that the Big Blue Bus, which is used by hundreds of children and their families, has to end.’’ She said people with information should contact police by calling the non-emergency line, 101 or crimestoppers on 0800 555 111

People who want to help the centre acquire more toys and books can contact them on 01530 510 515